先端的都市研究拠点 – Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/ Tue, 08 Feb 2022 00:15:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.7 Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University Activity Summarization Symposium https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/20/20220212/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/20/20220212/#respond Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:33:00 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=6610     Urban Research Plaza will be combined with Center of Education and Research for Disaster Management and integrated into “Urban Resilience Research Center”, due to merger of Osaka City University with Osaka Prefectural University at the beginning of the next fiscal year, April 2022. In this connection, we would like to hold a symposium with the aim of concluding the whole activity of the organization under the name of “URP” and clarifying what would be the legacies to pass on to the succeeding organization.
    Among those, what should be listed with priority are the launch of an academic journal, City, Culture and Society, the formation of “East Asia Inclusive City Network”, and the advocacy of Inclusive Creative City Theory ahead of the times. We must at first express our gratitude to many colleagues for their tremendous contributions to those legacies, and also demonstrate how we are going to materialize the model of resilient cities applicable in the 21st century, which URP has been pursuing from the first.
    The guest speakers will be the most important contributors to the abovementioned legacies and the colleagues who have been producing remarkable research results in relation to social inclusion or development in East Asian cities. In addition, the former dean of URP and two professors who will retire at the end of this fiscal year will also give memorial lectures. In conclusion, the present URP members will try to share a vision for the new organization.

Date: Feb. 12, 2022 (Sat.) 10:00~17:30 (JST) over ZOOM
Simultaneous interpretation into Japanese and English available
* To apply for the symposium, please scan the QR code on the right or visit this link.

https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/20/20220212/feed/ 0
Webinar #9 Perspectives on Urban Inclusivity: Formalizing informality in colonial Hong Kong: Squatting, displacement and gentrification https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/12/202220217/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/12/202220217/#respond Wed, 12 Jan 2022 06:36:28 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=6538 Alan Smart (University of Calgary, Canada)
Date: 17. Feb. 2022 (Tue.) 9.30–11.30 (Japan Standard Time)

https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/12/202220217/feed/ 0
Webinar #8 Perspectives on Urban Inclusivity: Anthropological Shades of Gray: Informal Norms and Becoming (Il)legal https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/12/202220125/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/12/202220125/#respond Wed, 12 Jan 2022 06:26:51 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=6517 Alan Smart (University of Calgary, Canada)
Date: 25. Jan. 2022 (Tue.) 9.30–11.30 (Japan Standard Time)

https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/01/12/202220125/feed/ 0
Webinar #7 Perspectives on Urban Inclusivity: Poverty, Problematization and Socio-Spatial Management of Life on the Margins https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2021/12/22/202220111/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2021/12/22/202220111/#respond Wed, 22 Dec 2021 02:47:53 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=6486 Joshua Evans (Associate Professor of Human Geography, University of Alberta, Canada)
Date: 11. Jan. 2022 (Tue.) 9.30–11.30 (Japan Standard Time)
*If you would like to attend, please register at the following URL. The procedure is very simple!
A ZOOM address will be sent to registered participants shortly before the webinar.

Canada is a highly developed, wealthy country but its cities display some of the most egregious forms of inequality, precarity and injustice. The city of Edmonton is no exception. Located in Alberta, Edmonton is a city of roughly 1-million people. A few hours by car from the Athabasca oil sands, Edmonton’s economy has long been tied to the development of Alberta’s fossil fuel industry, yielding remarkable economic growth, high incomes, and ‘progressive’ social policy. Alberta was among the first provinces to implement the Housing First model as part of its provincial strategy to end homelessness, and the province invested hundreds of millions of dollars towards this goal. Yet Alberta’s prosperity and ambition belies the province’s threadbare social safety net, the main source of support for the economically marginalized. Here, welfare benefits are paltry and the wait time for subsidized housing is years long. On any given night, an estimated 3,000 houseless individuals find temporary accommodation in emergency shelters or makeshift, outdoor encampments on public lands scattered throughout the city. Emergency shelters offer only the bare essentials and often turn away individuals who are visibly intoxicated. Encampments offer freedom from the surveillance of shelter staff; however, they are routinely ‘cleared’ by police and city workers displacing individuals deeper into the densely forested river valley that runs through the city. It is no exaggeration to say that this form of precarity is a life-or-death concern, particularly in the winter months. Edmonton spends 180 days a year with temperatures below freezing, including 25 days with a minimum temperature below −20 °C.
Amputations due to frostbite are common and deaths due to exposure are a regular occurrence.
The grim situation outlined above is indicative of a regime of practices geographers have come to call “urban poverty management.” Urban poverty management is achieved through a mixture of caring and controlling institutions operated at the local level by urban elites, voluntary sector organizations and the state to ‘regulate’ urban poverty and, more generally, maintain social order in the city. This presentation introduces concepts for exploring urban poverty management; namely, Michel Foucault’s notions of the apparatus and problematization. Using Edmonton as a case study, the presentation will show how attending to problematization is key. The poverty management apparatus comes into view, for the analyst, through its problematization. In addition, the presentation will introduce the notion of the ‘thought-event,’ a conceptual device developed to focus attention on the spatiality of problematization. Using these concepts, the presentation will draw attention to the importance of the local state as a site of articulation and its role in reconciling conflict.

*The webinar will be conducted in English with Japanese consecutive interpretation. For the presentation we have planned 45 minutes allowing us to provide also about 15 minutes for discussion. Since we use consecutive interpretation, we anticipate that the presentation and discussion will take roughly twice the time.

**This webinar series is part of a research platform on issues such as homelessness, housing first, gentrification, citizenship and social innovations, focusing on case studies from Europe, North America and East Asia. The webinar will be facilitated by Johannes Kiener from Saitama University.

**If you have any questions, please contact us at the following address:
info.urban.inclusivity@gmail.com (webinar headquarters)

https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2021/12/22/202220111/feed/ 0
Online International Symposium on the East-Asian Inclusive City Network https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2020/11/25/20201212/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2020/11/25/20201212/#respond Wed, 25 Nov 2020 05:23:31 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=5945 This symposium commemorates the 15th anniversary of Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza (URP), the 7th year of the National Joint Research Center designated by the Ministry of Education, and
the 10th anniversary of the inter-city exchange in East Asia for the formation of ‘inclusive cities’ .
The current world has witnessed more inequality because of COVID-19. URP has been aiming to create practical international collaborative research among East Asian cities from the perspective of policy research on social inclusion.
This symposium takes place to share the outcomes of URP’ s projects and reinforce the functions of URP’ s activities and our East Asian city network.

December 12th, 2020
10.00a.m. – 16.00p.m. Online *pre-registration required.
Hosts : Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza, Inclusive City Network Japan,
AKY Inclusive Community Institute
Program detailes can be found on the following flyer.

<br />
Flyer/Poster Image
This symposium is sponsored by the Osaka City University ( “Platform for Leading Edge Urban Studies” ), the Toyota Foundation 2017 International Grant Program ( “Establishing a platform for the East-Asian Inclusive City Network: From divided to inclusive cities” ), and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science ( “Fostering Joint International Research (B)” and “International Comparative Research on Building an East Asian Model of Social Development” , PI: Jeon Hong-gyu)

https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2020/11/25/20201212/feed/ 0
Travelling Conference on Urban Transformations in Industrial Regions, Osaka November 18-19. https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/10/16/travelling-conferences-osaka/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/10/16/travelling-conferences-osaka/#respond Wed, 16 Oct 2019 05:58:17 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2019/10/16/travelling-conferences-osaka/ flyer
Travelling Conferences (TCs) are a format designed to promote and foster international exchange about specific current issues. More specifically, given the significant interest in questions of current urban trans- formation and comparable challenges in many metropolitan regions around the world (e.g. post-industrial transformation, demographic change, urban strategies of climate change mitigation and adaptation, wa- terfront development) as well as an interest in the ways in which policies, strategies, blueprints for such transformations are exchanged globally (e.g. research on policy diffusion, policy mobility, travelling con- cepts), this series of TCs aims to combine a theoretical and conceptual approach along with an empirical section on selected current policies. To accomplish this goal, a number of presentations will be given at each conference, supplemented by panel and round-table discussions.
The thematically and structurally similar events will take place in Osaka, Ulsan, Essen and Cincinnati be- tween October 2019 and September 2020. Representatives of the Ruhr region and the University Alliance Ruhr in Germany, which organize the conference series, will be travelling to all four locations accompa- nied by members from institutions in the partner regions.


Meeting Hall, 10th Floor, OCU Media Center, Sugimoto Campus, Osaka City University, Building No.11 on the map.


To reach the Hotel Bali Tower from Chubu Centrair International Airport (NGO), take the Meitetsu Limited Express Train to Nagoya Stn, then the Shinkansen to Shin Osaka Stn and the Midosuji Metro Line to Tennoji Stn. From Kansai International Airport (KIX), take the Hakura Limited Express Train and get off at Tennoji Stn. The hotel is five minutes on foot from the North Gate of Tennoji Stn.
To reach the Sugimoto Campus of Osaka City University from the Hotel Bali Tower, take the Hanwa Rail Line at Tennoji Stn and get off at Sugimotocho Stn.


Dr. Letizia Imbres, TU Dortmund University, E-mail: letizia.imbres/AT/tu-dortmund.de
Prof. Dr. Toshio Mizuuchi, Osaka City University, E-mail: mizuuchi/AT/ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp]]>
https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/10/16/travelling-conferences-osaka/feed/ 0
Call for Applications of Special (Young) Research Fellows in ‘Leading-Edge Urban Studies’ – August 2019. (CLOSED) https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/07/24/201908/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/07/24/201908/#respond Wed, 24 Jul 2019 05:50:53 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=5222 Urban Research Plaza (URP), Osaka City University is seeking to appoint a number of qualified researchers as ‘Special (Young) Research Fellows in Leading-Edge Urban Studies’, aiming at supporting proactive and global standard research activities by young researchers in continuation with URP’s previous Global COE activities according to the terms below.

Application Guidelines for Special (Young) Research Fellows

Download Application Guidelines (pdf)

Application Form for Special (Young) Research Fellows

Download Application Form (MS Word) Application Form (pdf)

Application Procedure

1) Requisite documents (Use prescribed forms):
  1. Special (Young) Research Fellows in ‘Leading-Edge Urban Studies’ Application
  2. Letter of recommendation from the present supervisor
  3. Written consent to acceptance from the selected ‘Host Researcher’
2) Submission period: July 24 (Wed.) – Aug. 7 (Wed.), 2019, 5:00 P.M. (deadline)

3) Mailing Address (By mail or personal delivery only): See ‘Address for Inquiries and Submitting Application Forms’ below.

Notification of Acceptance

1st Stage Screening (Paper screening):
Acceptance or rejection sent out by E-mail until latest August 9, 2019 (Fri.).
2nd Stage Screening (Oral Interview):
Acceptance or rejection sent out by mail until latest August 23, 2019 (Fri.).

Address for Inquiries and Submitting Application Forms

Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University
3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi, 558-8585 Japan
TEL (+81)-06-6605-2071, FAX (+81)-06-6605-2069,
EMAIL: office [at] ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp
https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/07/24/201908/feed/ 0
Call for Applications of Special (Young) Research Fellows in ‘Leading-Edge Urban Studies’ – February 2019. (CLOSED) https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/01/18/201902/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/01/18/201902/#respond Fri, 18 Jan 2019 13:42:49 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=4877 Urban Research Plaza (URP), Osaka City University is seeking to appoint a number of qualified researchers as ‘Special (Young) Research Fellows in Leading-Edge Urban Studies’, aiming at supporting proactive and global standard research activities by young researchers in continuation with URP’s previous Global COE activities according to the terms below.

Application Guidelines for Special (Young) Research Fellows

Download Application Guidelines (pdf)

Application Form for Special (Young) Research Fellows

Download Application Form (MS Word) Application Form (pdf)

Application Procedure

1) Requisite documents (Use prescribed forms):
  1. Special (Young) Research Fellows in ‘Leading-Edge Urban Studies’ Application
  2. Letter of recommendation from the present supervisor
  3. Written consent to acceptance from the selected ‘Host Researcher’
2) Submission period: Jan. 18 (Fri.) – Feb. 1 (Fri.), 2018, 5:00 P.M. (deadline)

3) Mailing Address (By mail or personal delivery only): See ‘Address for Inquiries and Submitting Application Forms’ below.

Notification of Acceptance

1st Stage Screening (Paper screening):
Acceptance or rejection sent out by E-mail until latest February 6 (Wed.).
2nd Stage Screening (Oral Interview):
Acceptance or rejection sent out by mail until latest February 20 (Wed.).

Address for Inquiries and Submitting Application Forms

Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University
3-3-138 Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi, 558-8585 Japan
TEL (+81)-06-6605-2071, FAX (+81)-06-6605-2069,
EMAIL: office [at] ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp
https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/01/18/201902/feed/ 0
Symposium on “the Platform for Leading Edge Urban Studies” https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/12/13/20190202/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/12/13/20190202/#respond Thu, 13 Dec 2018 09:50:23 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=4830
https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/12/13/20190202/feed/ 0
URP International Colloquium with Geoffrey DeVerteuil and Geerhardt Kornatowski https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/08/31/20180903/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/08/31/20180903/#respond Fri, 31 Aug 2018 06:34:13 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=4675 The Service Hub in Context
– A Discussion on Global City-Regions in the East and West Date: 03 Sep(Mon.)2018, 15:00-18:00
Venue: URP Takahara Hall 1 (https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/access_en/)
15:00~15:10 Welcoming remarks
15:10~15:55 Service Hubs as Commons, Geoffrey DeVerteuil (Cardiff University, UK)
15:55~16:10 Q&A
16:10~16:20 Break
16:20~17:05 ”Counterweight Spaces”: Service Hubs amidst Social Polarization in East Asian City-Regions, Geerhardt Kornatowski (Kyushu University)
17:05~17:20 Q&A
17:20~18:00 Discussion
Facilitator: Johannes Kiener (Osaka City University, Urban Research Plaza)]]>
https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/08/31/20180903/feed/ 0