Overseas Centers & Offices – Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/ Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:04:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.7 The 19th Urban Research Plaza’s Forum in Bangkok https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/03/09/the-19th-urban-research-plazas-forum-in-bangkok/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2022/03/09/the-19th-urban-research-plazas-forum-in-bangkok/#respond Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:01:46 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=6704 “Voices of Researchers & Practitioners in Urban Culture”

By the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and the Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University, Japan
March 10-11, 2022 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Hosted by Chulalongkorn University

Teleconference instructions, Program and Proceedings can be found at urpbkk.com.

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The 18th Urban Research Plaza’s Forum in Bangkok https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2021/03/11/the-18th-urban-research-plazas-forum-in-bangkok/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2021/03/11/the-18th-urban-research-plazas-forum-in-bangkok/#respond Thu, 11 Mar 2021 07:16:26 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=6120 “Art & Cultural Activities with Covid-19”
“Saving Our Urban Habitat – Creating A Sustainable Future”

By the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
and the Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University, Japan
March 8 – 9, 2021  9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Hosted by Chulalongkorn University

Teleconference instructions, Program and Proceedings can be found at urpbkk.com.

https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2021/03/11/the-18th-urban-research-plazas-forum-in-bangkok/feed/ 0
Travelling Conference on Urban Transformations in Industrial Regions, Osaka November 18-19. https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/10/16/travelling-conferences-osaka/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/10/16/travelling-conferences-osaka/#respond Wed, 16 Oct 2019 05:58:17 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2019/10/16/travelling-conferences-osaka/ flyer
Travelling Conferences (TCs) are a format designed to promote and foster international exchange about specific current issues. More specifically, given the significant interest in questions of current urban trans- formation and comparable challenges in many metropolitan regions around the world (e.g. post-industrial transformation, demographic change, urban strategies of climate change mitigation and adaptation, wa- terfront development) as well as an interest in the ways in which policies, strategies, blueprints for such transformations are exchanged globally (e.g. research on policy diffusion, policy mobility, travelling con- cepts), this series of TCs aims to combine a theoretical and conceptual approach along with an empirical section on selected current policies. To accomplish this goal, a number of presentations will be given at each conference, supplemented by panel and round-table discussions.
The thematically and structurally similar events will take place in Osaka, Ulsan, Essen and Cincinnati be- tween October 2019 and September 2020. Representatives of the Ruhr region and the University Alliance Ruhr in Germany, which organize the conference series, will be travelling to all four locations accompa- nied by members from institutions in the partner regions.


Meeting Hall, 10th Floor, OCU Media Center, Sugimoto Campus, Osaka City University, Building No.11 on the map.


To reach the Hotel Bali Tower from Chubu Centrair International Airport (NGO), take the Meitetsu Limited Express Train to Nagoya Stn, then the Shinkansen to Shin Osaka Stn and the Midosuji Metro Line to Tennoji Stn. From Kansai International Airport (KIX), take the Hakura Limited Express Train and get off at Tennoji Stn. The hotel is five minutes on foot from the North Gate of Tennoji Stn.
To reach the Sugimoto Campus of Osaka City University from the Hotel Bali Tower, take the Hanwa Rail Line at Tennoji Stn and get off at Sugimotocho Stn.


Dr. Letizia Imbres, TU Dortmund University, E-mail: letizia.imbres/AT/tu-dortmund.de
Prof. Dr. Toshio Mizuuchi, Osaka City University, E-mail: mizuuchi/AT/ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp]]>
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CfPs: the Urban Research Plaza’s 18th Urban Culture Forum in Bangkok and the Journal of Urban Culture Research https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/07/18/20191130/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2019/07/18/20191130/#respond Thu, 18 Jul 2019 05:54:31 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/?p=5210 Dual Call for Papers The Urban Research Plaza’s 18th Urban Culture Forum March 5 – 6, 2020, Abstract Deadline November 30, 2019
Full Papers Due at the Forum http://www.urpbkk.com

Journal of Urban Culture Research



Saving Our Urban Habitat – Creating a Sustainable Future
Details: http://www.urpbkk.com/urp/Call_for_Papers.html]]>
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Towards an Inclusive City for All: The 8th Workshop Towards the Establishment of the “East-Asian Inclusive Cities Network” (EA-ICN) https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/06/13/ea-icn2018/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2018/06/13/ea-icn2018/#respond Wed, 13 Jun 2018 04:07:26 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2018/06/13/ea-icn2018/
Due to the restlessly unfolding global competition solutions to urban problems are required more than ever before. Concepts like “sponge cities (vulnerable cities)” or “shrinking cities” point to the associated issues of declining birth rates and aging populations, the dilapidating of urban infrastructure, or the increase of underutilized and vacant houses. All problems around this vulnerablizing of cities concern not only the physical infrastructure but unfold also into social spheres of human life. This is apparent in issues of single parents, children and youth poverty, or issues around settling down in a foreign country faced by the continuously increasing immigrants and their descendants. Responses to these new urban problems, like housing that enables a more human-like living, or the construction of vital and enjoyable public spaces, are in recent years increasingly recognized as important tasks. Further, the endless forward pushing competition between cities calls all the more for mediating research and urban praxis. How to realize social inclusion for all people, how to secure a chance to live for everyone, or under which conditions places emerge that enable the protection of human rights and an inclusive participation in society, are pressing questions at hand. With these tasks in mind the effort to establish the “East-Asian Inclusive Cities Network”, that had embarked to connect people involved in city administrating, practitioners and researchers, will be repeated this year for the 8th time. Until today many cities were involved in this project, including Osaka city, Sakai city, Yao city and Minoh city from Japan, Seoul city, Seongdong district and Siheung city from Korea, Taipei city and New Taipei city from Taiwan and Hong Kong SAR. Through the establishment of the platform “East-Asian Inclusive Cities Network” the workshop aims to develop this network further and increase the knowledge exchange between cities.

Posters: Japanese | English

Date: 11-13th July 2018 (Wednesday – Friday)

Venue: Hong Kong Baptist University Lam Wu International Conference Centre, and other places in Hong Kong

Program Outline
Workshop 1: Onsite Workshop (11th July)
Workshop 2: Understanding the Reality of Urban Problems and Sharing Practical Experiences for an Inclusive City
(12-13th July)
Special Session 1: Support for People with Housing Difficulties and the Challenge of Cohousing
Special Session 2: The Reality of Inter-City Migration and Related Policy Issues
Special Session 3: Cities Network Conference – Establishing the “East-Asian Inclusive Cities Network” through the Formation of Local Organizations
* Fees for lunch and social events will be collected at the workshop reception. Costs will be between 800-1000 HKD.
Contact and Submission
Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza, Platform for Leading-Edge Urban Studies
Sugimoto 3-3-138, Sumiyoshi, Osaka, 558-8585, Japan.
Email: joint_office(at)ur-plaza.osaka-cu.ac.jp
TEL&FAX: +81-6-6605-3444
Organizer: Osaka City University Urban Research Plaza (Overseas Centers & Offices)
Co-organizers: Hong Kong Baptist University Department of Geography & Department of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong Center for Environmental Policy and Resource Management, OURs, Tsuei Ma Ma Foundation for Housing and Community Services
Cooperators: St. James’ Settlement, Society for Community Organization, Caritas
Supporters: Osaka City, Sakai City, Yao City, Minoh City, Seoul Institute, KOCER, SH Seoul Housing & Communities Corporation, Seongdong District, Siheung City, Taipei City, Toyota Foundation

* This workshop is conducted with support from the Toyota Foundation 2017 International Grant Program “Establishing a Platform for the East-Asian Inclusive City Network: From divided to inclusive cities” headed by Jeon Hong-gyu.]]>
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The 14th URP Bangkok Urban Culture Forum 2016 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2016/03/01/2016030304_bangkok/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2016/03/01/2016030304_bangkok/#respond Tue, 01 Mar 2016 14:08:56 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2016/03/01/2016030304_bangkok/ “Urban Culture – Rural Culture: Overcoming a Dichotomy”

Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Chulalongkorn University

March 3-4, 2016 8:30AM ­- 3:30PM

Programme: 2016030304.pdf

Detail: http://www.urp.faa.chula.ac.th/urp/Forum.html

The annual URP Forum aims to create a space for graduate students and scholars to share their research in visual art, creative art, performance studies, dance, cultural studies, ethnomusicology, urban planning and related disciplines connected to the study of academic and vernacular interpretation of urban culture through arts.

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The 14th URP Yogyakarta Academic Forum 2016 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2016/03/01/20160223_yogyakarta/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2016/03/01/20160223_yogyakarta/#respond Tue, 01 Mar 2016 14:07:54 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2016/03/01/20160223_yogyakarta/ “A New Community Management Through Arts and Cultures”
Sasana Ajiyasa, Faculty of Visual Arts

Indonesia Institute of The Arts Yogyakarta

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Programme: 20160223.pdf

Detail: http://urp.fib.ugm.ac.id/news/13

Arts and culture strategies can be used to understand community context and celebrate community character in urban area. In this sense, community based on traditional art and culture can be seen as a narrative of a place in a time given. Nevertheless, this kind of community still facing the same problems from time to time. The biggest problem arise is management (organization, financial, regeneration).

The 14th Urban Research Plaza Forum 2016 will discuss “A New Community Through Art and Culture”. It will emphasize on how traditional art and culture community in urban area preserve and survive among other community. In this case, the focus will be on management community in Japan and Indonesia.

By delivering this theme, the attention will be drawn into the effectiveness of community management in revitalizing or re-actualizing the traditional art. It is important to learn how this kind of community has been working in a wider society and gain a mutual understanding with people outside the community in order to create a community based on traditional art and culture. It also can be used to develop networking and to expand a community’s role from audience to active participants. Art and cultural integration is absolutely needed when used as a tool to provide wide access for community in solving increasingly complex social issues, particularly in urban community.]]>
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The Workshop on High-density development and Social Justice in Hong Kong https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2015/11/25/20151203-05/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2015/11/25/20151203-05/#respond Wed, 25 Nov 2015 05:46:44 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2015/11/25/20151203-05/ ■ Objectives

Since its identification as one of the variables defining an urban community by Louis Wirth in his renowned treatise Urbanism as a Way of Life, density of the settlement has occupied a prominent position in urban studies in the West. Yet, the literature of high-density is found wanting as its emphasis was put on the technical at the expense of the social, without highlighting the social and spatial processes of it. In reality, there are many power relations and social-spatial processes that have contributed to the production of high-density development. Some even argues that high-density is particularly a spatial process which produces and reproduces social injustice. More specifically, the under-privileged in the society is more vulnerable to the denser living environment, resulting that their everyday life is affected by the spatiality of high-density. Therefore, it is imperative to relate high-density with power-based and process-oriented social justice.

In this international workshop, scholars from across the world will present their latest research findings, contributing to the recent debates on high-density and social justice theoretically and empirically. Sessions cover a diversity of themes including regional and spatial variations in the representation of high-density development, high-density in East Asian Cities, Capitalist Cities and Socialist Cities, income gap, everyday life and so on.

■ General outline

〇Title: The Workshop on High-density development and Social Justice

〇Dates: 3-5 Dec, 2015

〇Place: Hong Kong Baptist University

〇Organized by: Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University

〇Sponsors: Research Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University, Research Grant (HKBU 250012), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

〇Co-sponsors: Hong Kong Critical Geography Group, Globalisation and Social Justice across East Asia (LSK/14-15/P05), Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University

■ Programme: 20151205.pdf

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The 5th East Asian Inclusive City Network https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2015/11/12/20150924-25/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2015/11/12/20150924-25/#respond Thu, 12 Nov 2015 06:16:54 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2015/11/12/20150924-25/ On the Practice and Vision of Inclusive Cities: (プログラムと梗概は、下記にPDFで日本語、韓国語、中国語でアップしています)

Schedule and proceedings in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and partly English can be downloaded as PDF file.

The 5th East Asian Inclusive City Network

Co-hosted by
Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University and the National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Building and Planning

In collaboration with main organizers “the Organization of Urban Re-s (OURs)”, “Promotion Alliance of Social Housing”, “the Homeless Taiwan Organization”

Sponsored by Taipei City Council
On Sep. 23 (Wed.) – 25 (Fri.), 2015

At Bopilao Theater Hall

The East Asia Inclusive Network marked its 5th anniversary. This year’s workshop was held in Taipei (for the second time), where we focused on topics such as socially disadvantaged communities and housing/welfare/employment issues of vulnerable populations. To grapple with these issues, we promote active exchange between scholars and professionals/volunteers.
Bopilao Theater Hall
Each Sub-center (Hong Kong SAR, Osaka and South Korea) introduced 3 to 6 people to join this workshop (for the host city Taipei, the number of participants is flexible).
This workshop was conducted in Japanese, Korean and Chinese via consecutive interpretation.
Program: 5th_ICN_Proceedings.pdf

23 Sept. 2015 Fieldwork
Excursions to areas slated for redevelopment and inner-city socially disadvantaged areas
24 Sept. 2015 Workshop (1)
Session 1: Housing conditions of and assistance practices for the socially vulnerable

Session 2: Urban redevelopment and housing issues
25 Sept. 2015 Workshop (2)
Session 3: Assistance and social project development

Session 4: low-rental housing market initiatives
https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2015/11/12/20150924-25/feed/ 0
East Asian International Conference https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2015/05/13/20150514-16/ https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/en/2015/05/13/20150514-16/#respond Wed, 13 May 2015 08:40:23 +0000 https://log.osaka/ur-plaza/2015/05/13/20150514-16/ East Asian International Conference

: Solving the Housing Problems of the Poor in East Asian Cities

Programme: 20150514-16.pdf


 Introduce housing policy achievements for the stability of low-income households in Seoul and share major housing policies and field activity cases of East Asian Metropolis. 


○ Title: Solving the Housing Problems of the Poor in East Asian Cities

○ Dates: 14th – 16th May, 2015

○ Place: Seoul City Hall (Seoul, South Korea)

○ Organized by: The Seoul Institute, SH (Seoul Housing) Corporation, Urban Research Plaza of Osaka City University, Sejong University, KOCER

○ Hosted by: Seoul Metropolitan Government


○ Host an International Conference which the Official of international organizations, the researcher and field activists of East Asian Metropolis attend

○ Jointly organized by The Seoul Institute, Seoul Housing Corporation and Urban Research Plaza of Osaka City University, Sejong University, KOCER

○ Attendants: approximately 150

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