

2016年01月30日 エスニックマイノリティとコミュニティのこれからを考える


チラシ: 20160130.pdf



日 時2016130() 14:00

会 場:八尾市立安中人権コミュニティセンター (最寄り駅・JR大和路線八尾駅)


主 催:NPO法人トッカビ

後 援:大阪市立大学都市研究プラザ



電話:072-993-7860 tokkabiyao@yahoo.co.jp


2015年12月03-05日 The Workshop on High-density development and Social Justice in Hong Kong

■ Objectives

  Since its identification as one of the variables defining an urban community by Louis Wirth in his renowned treatise Urbanism as a Way of Life, density of the settlement has occupied a prominent position in urban studies in the West. Yet, the literature of high-density is found wanting as its emphasis was put on the technical at the expense of the social, without highlighting the social and spatial processes of it. In reality, there are many power relations and social-spatial processes that have contributed to the production of high-density development. Some even argues that high-density is particularly a spatial process which produces and reproduces social injustice. More specifically, the under-privileged in the society is more vulnerable to the denser living environment, resulting that their everyday life is affected by the spatiality of high-density. Therefore, it is imperative to relate high-density with power-based and process-oriented social justice.

  In this international workshop, scholars from across the world will present their latest research findings, contributing to the recent debates on high-density and social justice theoretically and empirically. Sessions cover a diversity of themes including regional and spatial variations in the representation of high-density development, high-density in East Asian Cities, Capitalist Cities and Socialist Cities, income gap, everyday life and so on.

■ General outline

Title: The Workshop on High-density development and Social Justice

Dates: 3-5 Dec, 2015

Place: Hong Kong Baptist University

Organized by: Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University

Sponsors: Research Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University, Research Grant (HKBU 250012), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Co-sponsors: Hong Kong Critical Geography Group, Globalisation and Social Justice across East Asia (LSK/14-15/P05), Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University

■ Programme: 20151205.pdf


2015年09月24日-25日 第5回 東アジア包摂型都市ネットワークの構築に向けた国際ワークショップ

On the Practice and Vision of Inclusive Cities:


Schedule and proceedings in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and partly English can be downloaded as PDF file.

The 5th East Asian Inclusive City Network

Co-hosted by

Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University and the National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Building and Planning

In collaboration with main organizers "the Organization of Urban Re-s (OURs)", "Promotion Alliance of Social Housing", "the Homeless Taiwan Organization"

Sponsored by Taipei City Council

On Sep. 23 (Wed.) - 25 (Fri.), 2015

At Bopilao Theater Hall


The East Asia Inclusive Network marked its 5th anniversary. This year's workshop was held in Taipei (for the second time), where we focused on topics such as socially disadvantaged communities and housing/welfare/employment issues of vulnerable populations. To grapple with these issues, we promote active exchange between scholars and professionals/volunteers.


Bopilao Theater Hall


Each Sub-center (Hong Kong SAR, Osaka and South Korea) introduced 3 to 6 people to join this workshop (for the host city Taipei, the number of participants is flexible).


This workshop was conducted in Japanese, Korean and Chinese via consecutive interpretation.

Program: 5th_ICN_Proceedings.pdf

23 Sept. 2015 Fieldwork

Excursions to areas slated for redevelopment and inner-city socially disadvantaged areas

24 Sept. 2015 Workshop (1)

Session 1: Housing conditions of and assistance practices for the socially vulnerable

Session 2: Urban redevelopment and housing issues

25 Sept. 2015 Workshop (2)

Session 3: Assistance and social project development

Session 4: low-rental housing market initiatives

2015年07月09日 URP International Colloquium

URP International Colloquium
"The Politics of Difference and Authenticity in the Practice of Okinawan Dance and Music in Osaka, Japan"
Ms. Sumi Cho's work focuses on ethic differences within the city and is a former URP Special Research Fellow. She received her PhD from Michigan University and will be presenting on her dissertation.
09 Jul. 2015, 10:30-13:00
@ URP Takahara Hall 1F
Sumi Cho (Myongji Uni.) "The Politics of Difference and Authenticity in the Practice of Okinawan Dance and Music in Osaka, Japan"

2015年04月13日 URP International Colloquium

URP International Colloquium
"Current Urban Issues in China: On the Relation between State and Society"
This colloquium invites Professor Yingfang Chen from Shanghai Jiao Tong University to present on her current research of "Social Fluidity and Social Assimilation". She will discuss about China's current urban issues involving informal settlements.
13 Apr. 2015, 13:00-15:00
@ URP Takahara Hall 1F
Chen Yingfang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni.) "Informal Settlement and Grey Area Between State and Society"

2015年04月08日 第2回大阪台北都市研究フォーラム

■日時:コミュニティエンタープライズ現地視察交流 (2015年4月6日~9日)
    第2回大阪台北都市研究フォーラム (4月8日)
コーディネーター:全泓奎(ジョン ホンギュ) 大阪市立大学都市研究プラザ教員
コミュニティエンタープライズ現地視察交流 (2015年4月6日~9日)
第2回大阪台北都市研究フォーラム (4月8日)
15:00~15:05 趣旨説明
・輔仁大学社会企業修士プログラム長・台湾社会企業創新創業学会事務局長, 同教授 胡哲生氏
・輔仁大学社会企業研究センター長・ビジネスプログラム長, 同副教授 周宗穎氏
・輔仁大学企業管理学科長・社会企業研究センター, 同教授 楊長林氏
・輔仁大学社会企業研究センター秘書 林玉萍氏
・輔仁大学非営利組織管理分野修士課程 趙榮琳氏
16:00~16:50 「社会的企業ビッグイシュー日本による実践」
・ビッグイシュー日本 吉田耕一氏
16:50~17:30 質疑及び総合討論
17:30~17:45 総括

2015年03月05日 The 13th URP Forum in Yogyakarta

13th URP Forum "Urban Cultural Innovation: Making A Social Channel with Excluded People

Multimedia Room 3rd floor, Rectorat Building
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Thursday, March 05, 2015

7.30 - 8.30 60' Registration Front Officer
Dyah Ayu Retnowati
Mentari Tyas
8.30 - 8.35 5' Opening Master of Ceremony
Arifah Arum Candra, S.S., M.A.
08.35 - 08.45 10' Welcoming Speech
Representation of URP Yogyakarta Office Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo
08.45 - 08.55 10' Note from Representation of URP-OCU Prof. Shin Nakagawa
08.55 - 09.30 35' Coffee Break Food Dept
09.30 - 11.30 120' Seminar Session 1
09.30 - 09.55 25' Presenter #1
Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Hashimoto (Otemon Gakuin University)
Restoration of Communities Through Folk Performance Arts: Kagura Performers After the Great East Japan Earthquake
Master of Ceremony
Arifah Arum Candra,S.S., M.A. Chairperson
Dr. Laksmi Adriani Savitri, M.Si.
Note Taker
Zahrani Balqi, S.S., M.A.
Time Keeper
Drajat; Anggit
09.55 - 10.20 25' Presenter #2 D
iananta Pramitasari, Ph.D.
(Architecture & Planning Engineering Dept. UGM)
Role of Going Out Activities as Social Channels for Elderly
10.20 - 10.45 25' Presenter #3
Irwandi, S.Sn., M.Sn. (School of Recorded Media Arts, ISI Yogyakarta)
Otot, Kaum Pinggiran, dan Fotografi: Ketika Anggota Gorilla Power Barbell Club Memotret Dirinya
10.45 -11.30 45' Discussion
11.30 - 12.30 60' Lunch Break Food Dept
12.30 - 15.00 110' Seminar Session 2 Master of Ceremony Zahrani Balqi, S.S., M.A. Chairperson Dr. Fortunata Tyasrinestu, M.Si. Note Taker Arifah Arum Candra, S.S., M.A. Time Keeper Drajat; Anggit
12.30 - 12.55 25' Presenter #5
Mr. Kiener Johannes (Osaka City University)
Turning Working Class Neighborhoods into Places for Creativity: The Working of Urban Land in Osaka
12.55 - 13.20 25' Presenter #6
Dr. Suzie Handajani, M.A. (Anthropology Dept., UGM)
Coming Out and Bleding In: Creating Spaces of Empowerment for Urban Gays
13.20 -13.45 25' Presenter #7
Indro Baskoro M.P., S.Sn. (Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta) [not confirm yet]
13.45 - 14.05 25' Presenter #4
Dr. Abdul Wahid, M.Hum., M.Phil. (History Dept., UGM)
Segosegawe Yogya: Partisipasi Publik Berbasis Komunitas dalam Negosiasi Ruang dan Upaya Revitalisasi Budaya Bersepeda (biking culture) di Kota Yogyakarta
14.05 - 14.55 45' Discussion
14.55 - 15.10 15' Coffee Break Food Dept.
15.10 - 15.20 10' Closing Remark
Representation of ISI
Prof. Dr. A.M. Hermin Kusmayati
Master of Ceremony
Arifah Arum Candra, S.S., M.A.
15.20 - 15.25 5' Photo Session Documentation Dept.

2015年02月23日 URP International Colloquium

URP International Colloquium
"Reconsidering and Re-conceptualizing Urban Regeneration in the Kansai Region"

Uta Merkle (Department of Geography. Ruhr U. Bochum) will be presenting on her comparative research of metropolitan transformation and renaissance policy in Japan.

23 Feb. 2015, 13:00-15:30
@ URP Takahara Hall 1F

Uta Merkle (Department of Geography. Ruhr U. Bochum) "Steering Metropolitan Transformation Processes in the Context of Urban Renaissance Policy in Japan: Global Competition and Coopetitive Governance in the Kansai Region"

Toshio Mizuuchi (URP) "Introduction of Urban Regeneration Research Project of URP"

Geerhardt Kornatowski (URP) "Conceptualizing Current Urban Regeneration Dynamics in Osaka"

General Discussion


2015年01月31日 社会的不利を断ち切る社会的企業の実践



会場:名古屋経済大学 名駅サテライトキャンパス

総合司会:全泓奎(ジョン ホンギュ)、大阪市立大学都市研究プラザ教員
15:00~15:05  趣旨説明
15:05~15:50 「生活困窮者の自立支援に取り組む社会的企業」水野有香、名古屋経済大学経済学部教員
15:50~16:35 「都市原住民との共生と起業支援」王鵬超、台湾光原社会企業代表取締役
16:45~17:30 「若者への居住支援に向けた実践的な試み」クォン・ジウン、韓国ミンダルペンイ(なめくじ)住宅協同組合代表
17:30~18:15 「わっぱの会の共働事業所の実践:どうやって仕事を創り出してきたか」斎藤亮人、わっぱの会・名古屋市会議員
18:15~18:35  質疑及び総合討論
18:35~18:45  総括

参加申し込み:名古屋経済大学(担当者水野有香) E-mail:mizuno.yuka@nagoya-ku.ac.jp

2014年11月22日 西成文化講座

西成文化講座:多文化のまち西成を知る - 地域共生の課題 - 
チラシ: 20141122.pdf
