Social Inclusion
The International Symposium on “Poverty and Community”

Posted at : 2008-12-16

2008 KOCER / URP Symposium”Poverty and Community”
Co-organized by KOCER (Korea Center for City and Environment Research) and URP (Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University)


December 16 2008
Learning Hall, National Human Rights Commission of Korea


1:30 – 2:00 Registration

2:00 – 2:10 Welcome by
Myung Ho Shin (Executive Director, KOCER)
Toshio Mizuuchi (Vice Director, URP)

2:10 – 3:30 Presentation
Chair: Seong Kyu Ha (JungAng University / Director General, KOCER)

Does the Adoption of a Spatial Perspective Contribute to the Study of Poverty?

Residential Areas of People from Chosun in Japan after WWII and Forced Evictions
Moto-oka Takuya (URP)

‘New Town Projects’ in Korea and Housing Rights
Won Ho Lee (Korean Coalition for Housing Rights)

Children in Poverty and their Housing Problem
In Ok Hong (KOCER, Senior Researcher)

3:30 – 3::50 Break

3:50 – 5:50 Discussion

Yingfang CHEN (Department of Sociology, East China Normal University, Shanghai)
Wing-Shing TANG (Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Young Hwan Lee (Department of Social Welfare, SungKongHoe University)
Chan Jin Lee (Lawyer)


Learning Hall, 11th Floor), National Human Rights Commission of Korea
Gumsegi Building, No. 16, Euljiro 1-ga. Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 100-842

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