Cultural Creativity
OCU-URP Seoul Sub-center Opening Commemorative Symposium

Posted at : 2009-09-17

Seoul Sub-center Opening Commemorative Symposium:

and Renewal”


1. Date and Place

§Symposium and Reception

• Friday, September 18, 2009  10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

• Franciscan Education Center, 2nd
floor Large Auditorium (in Seoul, seating capacity of 110)

• Reception from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, near
the meeting hall, advance reservations.

§Field Trip

• Saturday, September 19, 2009  10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

• Locations within Seoul City and visits to


2. Symposium Content

§Report to the public on the start of activities at Osaka City
University’s Urban Research Plaza Seoul Sub-center

§Sharing of understanding and practical experience related to urban
poverty and revitalization in South Korea and Japan

§Actual field visits to places dealt with in the symposium, and
provision of a venue for the sharing of experience among the related

§Promotion of exchanges between Japanese and Korean researchers and
field workers through the intermediary of Osaka City University’s Urban
Research Plaza Seoul Sub-center


3. Symposium Schedule

   I. Theme: Poverty and Renewal (Working Title)

   II. Speakers and Topics

1 and 2 Moderator: Mizuuchi Toshio (OCU-URP)

3 and 4 and General Discussion Moderator: Kim Won-bae (the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS))




Speaker and Topic

09:30 – 10:00


10:00 – 10:30


•Ha, Seong-Kyu
(Director, Korean
Center for City and Environment Research(KOCER))

•Sasaki Masayuki (Director, OCU Urban Research Plaza)

10:30 – 11:30

Session 1

• Ha, Seong-Kyu:
Urban Renewal (New Towns) and the Housing Poverty of Low Income Groups

•Lee, Ju-Won: Dissension
and Controversy in Urban Renewal Projects Seen from On the Ground: Mainly in
New Town Redevelopment Projects

11:30 – 11:45


11:45 – 12:45

Session 2

•Wakamatsu Tsukasa: The Reality of Discrimination against Locality and Urban Regenetration in Socially Disadvantaged Inner City Area:
the Case of Osaka’s Nishinari Ward

•Seo, Jong Gyun: An Approach to New Revitalization Works: the Case of Samsung Yeongju

12:45 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:15

Session 3

Kuzunishi Risa: New Potential for Housing Aid for Domestic Violence
Victims: Status of Rehabilitation Aid Usage in Tottori Prefecture and the
Effects of Its Adoption

Meno Fumitake: Housing Provision Project for
the Elderly Poor by Private Non-profit Organizations

•Inada Nanami: Housing Assistance for the Single Elderly Poor and
Inclusive Local Care- Potential for Local Revitalization through Livelihood
Assistance Projects

15:15 – 15:30


15:30 – 16:30

Session 4

•Park Se-Hoon:
Multicultural ‘Utilization’ and the Politics of Urban Renewal- Examples from
Wonguk-dong in Ansan City and Incheon’s Chinatown

•Hirakawa Takaaki: Role of
Cultural Activities in Kamagasaki- Through the Operation of the ‘Come On!’
Media Center

16:30 – 16:45


16:45 – 17:15

General Discussion

17:15 – 18:00

Response to Questions




Speakers’ Profiles

(1) Korean Group

Ha Seong-Kyu
(Director of Korean
for City and Environment
Vice-President of
Chung-Ang University)

•Lee Ju-Won (NanumgwaMire(Division
and the Future

•Seo Jong Gyun (Chief Researcher, Korean Urban Studies

•Park Se-Hoon (Chief
Researcher, National Land Research Institute)


(2) Japanese Group

Meno Fumitake (OCU-URP Post-Doctoral

•Wakamatsu Tsukasa (OCU-GCOE Special

•Kuzunishi Risa (OCU-GCOE Special

•Inada Nanami (OCU-GCOE Special Researcher)

•Hirakawa Takaaki (URP, RA)


   III. Conference Format

      Japanese-Korean Simultaneous Translation

      20 minutes each for presentations, 10 minutes for questions and


    IV. Written materials in both Japanese and
Korean translation will be distributed on the

           day of
the conference


4. Field Trip

   §We plan to visit locations related to ‘Poverty and Renewal’ within

   §A venue will be provided for sharing the experiences of local
residents and aid workers.





Host group


08:30 – 09:00

Movement to Yongsan: 10 min. by Subway from Chungmuro Station



09:00 – 10:00

Evils of Redevelopment

Site of the Yongsan Incident


10:00 – 11:00

Movement to Guro District: 30 min. by subway



11:00 – 12:30

The new poverty and migrant laborers (area where ethnic Koreans
immigrants are concentrated)

Guro District



12:30 – 14:00




14:00 – 15:00

Movement to Poi-dong: 50 min. by subway



15:00 – 16:30

Observation of vinyl house (squatter) district

Poi-dong Countermeasures Committee

Residents’ Organization


16:30 – 17:30

Movement to Haengdang-dong: Approx. 1 hr. by subway and on foot



17:30 – 19:00

Alternative of community-led development

Haengdang-dong Residents’ Governing Center

Nongol Credit Union (Community bank)







19:00 – 20:30




20:30 –







  1. Exchange Parties:
    We plan to have parties for exchanges between participants after
    the closing of the symposium and after the end of the field tour.


  1. Address all other questions to:


of the OCU-URP Seoul Sub-center:
Lim Deok Young (Korean Urban Studies Institute Researcher)

today39(at)      Phone:  +82-2-738-4292