Int'l Society Design
The 5th CCS Workshop with Luiza Bialasievicz

Posted at : 2010-06-09

CCS Workshop on “Off-shoring and out-sourcing the borders of Europe: the EU in the Mediterranean”
■The 5th CCS Workshop■
15. Jun 2010 14:40~
Takahara Hall, Osaka City University
Dr. Luiza Bialasiewicz
Senior Lecturer in Political Geography
Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Bialasiewicz, L. and Minca, C. (2010 – forthcoming). “The Border Within”: Inhabiting the border in Trieste.Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28(4)
Bialasiewicz, L. (2009). The new political geographies of the European ‘neighbourhood’.  Political Geography 28:79-89 (Editor – special symposium).
Bialasiewicz, L. (2009). Europe as/at the border: Trieste and the Meaning of Europe. Social and Cultural Geography10(3):325-342.
Bialasiewicz, L. (2008). The Uncertain State(s) of Europe. European Urban and Regional Studies 15(1):71-82.
Bialasiewicz, L. (2006). Geographies of production and the contexts of politics: dis-location and new ecologies of fear in the Veneto città diffusa. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 24(1):41-67.