Symposiums and meetings
Intensive Seminar – for Art Management in Asia, Osaka 2007 – Creating Creative Cities- The Function and Role of an Art Manager

Posted at : 2007-03-30

30th March 2007

Time Schedule

10:00am Opening
Chair (AM)
Chair (PM)
Shin NAKAGAWA (Professor at the G. S. of literature, Osaka City University)
Mikio SUGIURA (Adjunct Lecturer of Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University)
10:15am Opening Speech Shin NAKAGAWA
10:30am Pres.1 「The State of Art Management in Korea」
Seungmi KIM (Professor at the Seoul Institute of the Arts)
10:45am        Discussion and Q&A
11:00am Pres.2 「The Network Formed Around the Asia Contemporary Dance Festival and Its Future Development Prospects」
Iku OTANI (Director of NPO Dance BOX)
11:15am        Discussion and Q&A
11:30am Pres.3 「Current Situation of Performing Arts in Indonesia」
Amna KUSUMO (Director of Kelola Foundation)
11:45am        Discussion and Q&A
12:00pm Lunch Break
01:30pm Pres.4 「About Art Related Activities ( a.a.r.a. )」
Klaomard YIPINTSOI (Founder / Director of About Art Related Activities ( a.a.r.a. ))
01:45pm        Discussion and Q&A
02:00pm Pres.5 「Potential From Cultural Exchanges in Art and Design」
Tomio SUGAYA (Curator at the Osaka City Museum of Modern Art (Planning Office))
02:15pm        Discussion and Q&A
02:30pm Pres.6 「The Mix of National Prestige and Market-driven Forces in Shanghai’s Contemporary Art Market」
Weiqun SHEN (Senior Producer of PRESS JAPAN (Tokyo Agency))
02:45pm        Discussion and Q&A
03:00pm Pres.7 「A Personal Encounter with China’s Contemporary Art: Concerning the Contemporary Art Market in China」
Yukihito TABATA (Director of Tokyo Gallery / B.T.A.P. (Beijing Tokyo Art Projects))
03:15pm        Discussion and Q&A
03:30pm        30-minute Break
04:00pm Discussion
05:30pm Closing Remark Masayuki SASAKI (Vice Director of Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University & Professor at the G. S. of Creative Cities, Osaka City University)
06:00pm Party