Joint Usage / Research Center
URP International Colloquium with Geoffrey DeVerteuil and Geerhardt Kornatowski

Posted at : 2018-08-31

The Service Hub in Context
– A Discussion on Global City-Regions in the East and West

Date: 03 Sep(Mon.)2018, 15:00-18:00
Venue: URP Takahara Hall 1 (
15:00~15:10 Welcoming remarks
15:10~15:55 Service Hubs as Commons, Geoffrey DeVerteuil (Cardiff University, UK)
15:55~16:10 Q&A
16:10~16:20 Break
16:20~17:05 ”Counterweight Spaces”: Service Hubs amidst Social Polarization in East Asian City-Regions, Geerhardt Kornatowski (Kyushu University)
17:05~17:20 Q&A
17:20~18:00 Discussion
Facilitator: Johannes Kiener (Osaka City University, Urban Research Plaza)