Joint Usage / Research Center
URP International Colloquium with Matthew D. Marr

Posted at : 2016-07-26

URP International Colloquium

Matthew D. Marr”Better Must Come: Exiting Homelessness in Two Global Cities”

Matthew D. Marr (Florida International University, URP Special Research Fellow) will present his latest book on exit processes out of homelessness in Tokyo and Los Angeles. He will discuss related aid measures in both cities as well as structural factors concerning the labor market, housing and welfare governance.
Admission is free. The presentation will be held in English with discussion in Japanese and English.

Contact person: Geerhardt Kornatowski (g-kornatowski [at]

Date: 25 May(Wed.)2016, 13:00-14:30

Venue: URP Takahara Hall 1 (