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  • Annual Reports and Accounts of Leading U.K. Companies, 40 Financial Institutions,1934-1986.
  • Annual Reports of Securities & Exchange Commission,1935-1981.
  • Annual reports of the Secretary of the Treasury on the states of the finances for
    the fiscal year ended June 30/ 1920-1985
  • Legislative history of the Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act of 1934,Vol.1-11.
  • 産業動向調査会 『日本の企業集団』 第1~7巻
  • 日本証券経済研究所 『日本証券史資料』戦後編 第1~10巻 別巻1~2巻
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マイクロ資料 全24タイトル
請求記号 資 料 名 保管庫
棚 番
MR338.16//S 証券経済資料 5
MR342//O 昭和財政史資料 9~12
MF335.4//A Annual Business Report of Important German Companies 1960-1980 25-3
MF335.4//A Annual Business Report of Important German Companies 1981-1990 31-1
MR335.4//A Annual Reports of the Major American Companies,1847-1980 13~24
MF335.4//A Annual Reports of the Major American Companies,1981-1985 27~28
MF335.4//A Annual Reports of the Major American Companies,1986
MF338.1//A Annual Reports of the Major American Companies,1987 29
MR335.4//A Annual Reports of the Major American Companies,Banks,24
MR335.4//A Annual reports of the major American Companies, Saving &
Loan /Services/Securities Brokerage 15 Companies
MF338.3//B Banking & Investment 1790-1990 32
MF332//U Congressional Budget Office Publications 31-2
MF335.4//L Leading U.K.Companies Annual Reports & Accounts,2nd series; 40 Financial Institutions,1934-1986 26-1
MF338//M Moody’s Bank and Finance manual 1974-1981 25-1
MF338//M Moody’s Bank and Finance Manual 1982-1985 25-1
MF509//M Moody’s Industrial Manual 1974-1981 25-2
MF509//M Moody’s Industrial Manual 1982-1985 25-2
MR338//P Papers of the Federal Reserve System, part 1.no.1-19 2
MR338.1//S SEC Ruling and Securities-related Court Decisions,1941-1982 3
MF343//U Tax Reform Act of 1986 (U.S.Congress House) 26-3
Tax Reform Act of 1986 (U.S.Congress Joint)
Tax Reform Act of 1986 (U.S.Congress Senate)
MR338.4//U U.S.Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Statistical Releases, 1919-1976 1
MF325//U U.S.Government.Public Laws,91th Congress 2nd Session-98th Congress 1st Session 30-1
MF337//U U.S.Monetary Policy 1980-1986 (U.S.Congress House) 26-2
U.S.Monetary Policy 1980-1986 (U.S.Congress Joint)
U.S.Monetary Policy 1980-1986 (U.S.Congress Senate)
MF338.1//U U.S.Securities Act & Securities Exchange Act 1970-1988
(U.S.Congress House)
U.S.Securities Act & Securities Exchange Act 1970-1988
(U.S.Congress Senate)
MR・・・マイクロリール      MF・・・マイクロフィッシュ

